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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Georgia O'Keeffe's Ghost Ranch, New Mexico

Ghost Ranch, once the home of artist Georgia O'Keefe, is located behind the pinon trees.

O'Keefe would climb the ladder to sleep on the roof.

The kitchen and breakfast room at Ghost Ranch

Rocks, bones and shells collectd by the artist lines the surrounding shelves.

The breakfast room and the its stunning surroundings

Bones and other objects found and displayed by the artist

The studio at Ghost Ranch

A Le Corbusier-style lounge chair in the studio

The simple adobe style building

Georgia O'Keeffe is an artist who has been much admired by my family over the years. We became aware of her simple and striking work through my uncle who resides in New Mexico, USA.
Sixty miles northwest of Santa Fe is a simple adobe structure called 'Ghost Ranch' , which was O'Keeffe first home in New Mexico. She lived and worked here every summer and fall for the last 40 years of her life. O'Keeffe continued her strong minimalist aesthetic in Ghost Ranch with austere rooms, functional furniture and careful arrangements of found objects. Read more about this intriguing woman and Ghost Ranch here.
Photographs by Robert Reck via Architectural Digest.


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